Harry Potter Gamertags, Usernames [ Rare, Aesthetic, Ravenclaw ]
When you are on the hunt for a good gamer tag, there is no better option than choosing a Harry Potter inspired gamer tag. Since the release of this super hit series, muggles from all around the world have been preferring magical gaming names. If you also feel a connection with this world of witchcraft then, of course, this is your place to get inspiration.
Harry Potter Gamertags | Harry Potter Usernames that are Rare, Aesthetic, & Ravenclaw
We have also listed Harry Potter slytherin, ravenclaw, gryffindor and hufflepuff username suggestions after taking inspiration from each house’s history. You can use these ideas for tiktok, instagram or other social media platforms too. You will also find some tips below this list that will help you to create your own gamer tag. So without any delay, grab your broomsticks and wands because we are about to get started.
Below is a list of amazing Harry Potter game tag suggestions:
1- Wizard Weasley.
2- Riddikulusly Sirius.
3- Magical Laws Enforcer.
4- Azkaban’s Guard.
5- The Charmer.
6- Ashwinder.
7- Golden Snidget.
8- The Snowy Owl.
9- Witherwings.
10- Professor Dumbledore.
11- Heir Of Slytherin.
12- Tom Morvolo Riddle.
13- Nagini.
14- Puppet Ruler.
15- He Who Must Not Be Named.
16- Ginny In A Bottle.
17- Sirius Black.
18- The Great Gray Owl.
19- Buckbeak.
20- Book Worm.
21- Potions Lover.
22- Hogwarts Journalist.
23- Lazy Squib.
24- Daily Prophet Writer.
25- Blubber.
26- Avada Kedavra.
27- Little Hermione.
28- The Head Girl.
29- Gryffindor’s Prefect.
30- Dumb Bell Damn.
31- Prisoner Of Azkaban.
32- Snape On A Plane.
33- Troller In Dungeon.
34- Sassy Snape.
35- Madam Pomfrey.
36- Granger Zone.
37- It’s Laviosa.
38- Harry With Goblet Of Beer.
39- Dumberdork.
40- Hogwarts Star.
41- Sneaky Warlock.
42- Dumb Bull Door.
43- Hermione Singer.
44- Voldemort’s Ancestor.
45- Angry Filch.
46- Potion Chef.
47- Draco’s Blood.
48- Love God.
49- Professor Lockhart.
50- Evil Greyback.
51- Shadow & Spirit.
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52- Half-Blood Prince.
53- Wild Dementor.
54- The Horned Serpent.
55- Scoundrel Or Saint?
56- House Elf.
57- Cursed Child.
58- Extra Wesley.
59- Fantastic Beast.
60- Tom Ladder.
61- True Potterhead.
62- Happy Harry.
63- Faceless Ghost.
64- Rise From Ashes.
65- Brutal Sorcerer.
66- Hungry For Power.
67- Mad Muggle.
68- Dumbledore’s Student.
69- Blood Baron.
70- Hogwarts Lame Ghost.
71- Quafflepuncher.
72- Vulture.
73- The Amazing Chaser.
74- Hufflepuff Star.
75- Fiery Falcons.
76- Bella Bat.
77- The Beater.
78- Great Wizard.
79- Deadly Witch.
80- The Healer.
81- Angry Dementor.
82- Snitch Seeker.
83- Dopperbeater.
84- Cleansweeper.
85- Gargoyle.
86- Giant Slayer.
87- Snake Charmer.
88- Old Snape.
89- Hogwarts Warrior.
90- Ravenclaw Bomber.
91- Longhorn.
92- Vipertooth.
93- Fire Fairy.
94- Hungry Horntail.
95- Biting Fairy.
96- Wandering Ghoul.
97- Serpent King.
98- The Windbender.
99- Azkaban’s Goblin.
100- Snitch Tackler.
101- Slytherin’s Snake.
102- Bigfoot.
103- Lord Voldemort.
104- Free Elf.
105- Red Haired Guy.
106- Filch’s Cat.
107- Sea Serpent.
108- Niffler.
109- Flaunting My Scar.
110- The Imp.
111- Fair Ravenclaw.
112- Power Hungry.
113- Sweet Hufflepuff.
114- You-Know-Who.
115- Minister Of Magic.
Guidelines to Create Harry Potter Gamer Tags
A Harry potter inspired gamer tag has a built-in magic. It shows how strong and competitive you are. It also helps you make an epic entry in the game as a true Potterhead. And don’t worry, our list does not include typical suggestions. You will find some great and unique options here.
This list includes 100+ rare harry potter usernames and unique wizard names that will make epic gamer tags. The following guidelines will help you to create a Harry Potter inspired gamer tag:
1- Think Of Iconic Harry Potter Characters:
Make a list of your favourite characters from the series, whether they are popular like Harry Potter or lesser known characters like Mr. Filch. You can create a gamer tag after that character directly or you can merge it with any descriptive word you like.
2- Get Inspiration From Harry Potter’s Mythology:
During the filming of Harry Potter, a long list of magical spells and terms was created just for the series. Search for these terms and choose the ones that you like. You can use those terms or create a totally new Harry Potter themed phrase. This will help you to create a gamer tag that is distinctive and extraordinary than other tags.
3- Choose One Word Username:
One word names are more likely to get noticed. You just have to get creative. You can also play with vowels and consonants and replace them with X or Z.
4- Go Wild With Humour:
Choosing a humorous gamer tag is the best way to get attention. Most of the characters in Harry Potter are quirky or witty. You can take inspiration from the characters and merge them hilarious words. For example, Risky Ron, Hermione Danger etc.
5- Get Creative:
Normally games do not have any specific rules so you have total freedom to choose any name that you like. You can be as creative as you want. Choose any word that you like just make sure that your gamer tag is not offensive.
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Choosing a Harry Potter gamer tag is the best way to set your profile apart from other generic names. Hopefully the above listed suggestions will inspire you to create a good gamer tag. Whatever you do just make sure that you create a unique name. Do not steal other names as it will make your profile look bad. We have tried to list best suggestions that will make perfect gamer tags. Finalise any name that you like and make your impression in the world of witchcraft.