Sorry Fire and Ice Rules [ How to Play Sorry Fire & Ice ]
This brief guide will teach you how to play the popular Sorry Fire and Ice game. The game adds an exciting twist to the classic version of Hasbro’s Sorry board game by introducing two new elements – fire and ice. Learn how to set up the board, move pieces, win the game and more!
How to Play Sorry Fire and Ice Game
Sorry! Fire and Ice is an exciting action-packed board game from Hasbro that blends classic Sorry gameplay with a new fire, ice, and light theme. The game combines colorful pieces, fast-paced dice rolls, strategy, and luck for up to four players ages six and up. Players move their pieces strategically around the board while trying to outsmart their opponents and collect as many fire, ice, and lightning gems as possible. The player who collects three of each gem first is declared the winner.
Objective of the Game
The objective of Sorry! Fire and Ice is to be the first player to collect three Gems of each type (Fire, Ice, and Lightning) from the board. Players do this by moving their four pieces strategically around the board using traditional Sorry dice rolls.
Setting Up the Game
To prepare for play, each player should take a color of pawns and gather all of the corresponding Fire Diamonds in that color. Once everyone is ready, each player places their four pawns on the Start square.
Game Play
The youngest player goes first and then play moves in a clockwise direction around the board. On their turn, players roll the dice and count out that number of spaces on the board with their pawn. If another player’s pawn is already on the space, the active player must take that pawn and move it back to its Start square. If a player lands on a space with one or more Fire Diamonds, they can collect those diamonds of their own color only.
Lightning Swap spaces allow players to “swap” their placed pawn with any other unoccupied pawn on the board. Ice spaces give players an extra turn if they land on one, and the Fire Diamonds at these spaces can be collected by any player regardless of their color.
The game ends when a player has successfully collected three Fire, Ice, and Lightning Gems of their own color. The winner is the first to do so.
End-Game Scoring
At the end of the game, each player’s Gems are counted and added up. Every Fire Gem is worth one point, every Ice Gem is worth two points, and each Lightning Gem is worth three points. The player with the most total points wins the game.
Tips to win every Game:
1. Plan ahead: Before your turn, think about the possible moves you have and which one will bring you closer to collecting your Gems.
2. Take risks: If a risky move can help you collect more Gems, go for it!
3. Know when to swap: Lightning Swap spaces give players the opportunity to switch their pieces with any other unoccupied pawn on the board. Use this to your advantage and switch a piece that’s closer to collecting a Gem.
4. Collect Fire Diamonds first: To win, you need to collect three of each type of Gem; it’s easier to do this if you start by collecting Fire Gems since they are more plentiful on the board.
5. Use Ice Spaces: If you land on an Ice Space, it gives you an extra turn. Take advantage of this and try to move a piece closer to collecting a Gem.
Q. How many players can play Sorry! Fire and Ice?
A. The game can be played by up to four players.
Q. What is the objective of the game?
A. The objective of the game is for each player to collect three Gems of each type (Fire, Ice, and Lightning) from the board.
Q. What happens if a player lands on an occupied space?
A. If another player’s pawn is already on the space, the active player must take that pawn and move it back to its Start square.